Official Plan Webinars

Join us for a webinar!
The City is hosting a series of topic-based webinars to engage the community and encourage citizens to continue providing input before Phase One of the review process is complete. Attend a webinar, or all four! Each one focuses on a different topic related to the Official Plan Review. The themes have been identified as priorities from previous engagement opportunities. The webinars will feature presenters who will share their knowledge and experiences and lead interactive question-and-answer periods. Register for the webinars today!

Climate Change Resilience & Adaptation

April 20, 7:00pm

Watch the webinar recording here.

Affordable Housing

April 27, 7:00pm

Watch the webinar recording here.


May 9, 7:00pm

Watch the webinar recording here.

Healthy Communities

May 12, 7:00pm

Watch the webinar recording part 1 here and part 2 here.

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